Proteins can help with weight-management because it help us feel full and satisfied from our meals.It helps to lose weight.
For every extra KG of muscle,it helps to burn an extra 100 calories a day approximately.
Proteins are essential for body immune system and creating enzymes.
The healthiest proteins are the leanest.This means that they have the least fat and calories.
Good sources of protein include poultry,fish,whey protein,beans,etc.,..
Better choice of protein is plant protein like soy protein and whey protein.
Metric :- 45Kg. for every 150 cm. height + 0.85Kg for each additional 1cm. height.

Metric :- 48KG. for every 150cm. height + 1Kg for every additional 1cm. height.

Reference :- http://www.indoorclimbing.com/Protein_Requirement.html
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